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Recruitment is currently OPEN

Recruitment for the AUS offers an excellent opportunity to engage with the Arts community and connect with fellow students who share your interests. Our recruitment cycle occurs bi-annually during the early summer and fall, so please note that available positions may differ from the previous recruitment period. 


AUS Organizational Chart

Take a look at our organizational chart, which contains all of the Society's volunteer positions across 9 portfolios!

AUS Organizational Chart.png

What is a Portfolio?

Portfolios are the main body where all activities, projects, and events related to its subject occur (e.g. Administration, Internal, Student Life, etc.). We have 9 portfolios in the AUS. Different portfolios have different responsibilities with respect to the AUS. Within each portfolio, there are departments that manage the various aspects of the portfolio (e.g. The External Portfolio has the Philanthropy and Sponsorship Departments)!

What is the difference between the different AUS positions?


Associate Vice Presidents assist their Vice Presidents in performing their responsibilities. They will stand in for their VP when needed. Responsibilities vary depending on their portfolio. Directors, who report to the Portfolio Vice President and Associate Vice President, oversee the department under their portfolio, including the team of coordinators within the department. Coordinators are entry-level positions that work closely with other coordinators under their department’s directors, reporting to the Portfolio Vice President, Associate Vice President, and Directors.

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