AUS Elections
Elections are an integral part of the Arts Undergraduate Society. The AUS Elections allow passionate Arts students to become more involved in their faculty’s student governance and its inner workings. Encouraging Arts voices to be heard is at the heart of AUS elections, with each candidate presenting a platform that they feel best represents fellow Arts students’ concerns and desires.
In every academic year, the AUS organizes two election cycles. The first election cycle is the Spring General Elections, where students can nominate, run, and or vote for the President, the Vice Presidents of the different portfolios, the AMS Representatives, and the Upper Year Representatives. The second election cycle is the Fall By-Election, where students can also nominate, run, and or vote to be one of 2 First Year Representatives that will oversee the First Year Committee (AUS FYC). Moreover, if there are vacancies in a position previously elected in the Spring Election, the position will be filled through the Fall By-Election.
Positions up for Election:
President (1): Chairs the Executive Portfolio and oversees the operations of the Equity and Inclusion, Human Resources, and Elections Departments. Acts as the main representative of the AUS to the AMS Presidents' Council and Faculty of Arts Council. Chairs the AMS Arts Caucus and sits on AMS Council. Speaks on behalf of the AUS. Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
Vice-President Academic (1): Works with the Faculty of Arts on academic initiatives and sits on the Faculty of Arts Council. Oversees the management and initiatives of the Health and Wellness Department and the Professional-Academic Development Department. Point of contact for the Arts Student Senator, AMS, and liaise with the UBC Career Centre. Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
Vice-President Administration (1): Oversees the management and initiatives of the Operations Department, the Governance Department, and the Sustainability Department. Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
Vice-President Engagement (1): Oversees the management and initiatives of the Analytics, Marketing, Media, and Merch Department. Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
Vice-President External (1): Oversees the management and initiatives of the Philanthropy and Sponsorships Department. Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
Vice-President Finance (1): Oversees the management and initiatives of the Grants, Reimbursements, and Finance Workshops Department. Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
Vice-President Student Life (1): Oversees the management and initiatives of the General Events Department and the Volunteer Appreciation Department. Supervises the operations of the First Year Committee and the Upper Year Representatives. Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
AMS Representatives (2): The general representative of the Arts student body to the UBC Vancouver's student union, the Alma Mater Society. Holds a voting seat on both AUS and AMS Council. Acts as a liaison between the two societies. Required to run for at least one committee appointment in both societies.
Second-Year Representative (1): Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
Third-Year Representative (1): Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
Fourth-Year Representative (1): Sits as a voting member of AUS Council.
Voting Link
Make your voices heard and be sure to cast your votes before March 4, 2024 (7 PM PT)!
More Information
For updates on events, candidates, and voting, make sure to follow @ubcaus and @aus.elections on Instagram and the AUS Elections Facebook page (linked here). For any questions, concerns, and elections-related inquiries, please reach out to the AUS Elections Team directly at elections@aus.ubc.ca.